We have the central log server on the graylog. It’s time to feed the server with information.
1. install syslog
yum install syslog-ng
2. and config it
vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
options { flush_lines (0); time_reopen (10); log_fifo_size (1000); chain_hostnames (off); use_dns (yes); use_fqdn (no); create_dirs (no); keep_hostname (yes); }; destination d_graylog { syslog("graylog.local.test" port(514)); };
or config rsyslog:
vi /etc/rsyslog.conf
*.* @@graylog.local.test:514
3. enable and start services
systemctl enable syslog-ng systemctl start syslog-ng
systemctl restart rsyslog