Displaying of certain information (such as hostname, IP address or phone number to the helpdesk) to the user on the desktop is often a good idea. Microsoft recommends BgInfo for this.
step.1. run the util, define the template and save it as .bgi file on BgInfo directory and copy it to:
step.2. create the GPO and link it to Computers OU:
Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Files
Action: Update Source file(s): \\krai.local\NETLOGON\info\info.exe Destination: c:\info\info.exe Attributes: Archive
Action: Update Source file(s): \\krai.local\NETLOGON\info\info.bgi Destination: c:\info\info.bgi Attributes: Archive
Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Folders
Action: Update Path: c:\info Attributes: Archive
Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Shortcuts
Name: bgInfo Target type: File System Object Location: All Users StartUp Target Path: c:\info\info.exe Arguments: c:\info\info.bgi /SILENT /TIMER:0 /NOLICPROMPT